I’m Camilla, a qualified career coach with a 14 year corporate background in urban design. 

My mission is to help ambitious women in the built environment industry love their career by cultivating self belief, kindness and calm in their working day.

I’ll be your biggest supporter along the way too!

I’m passionate about working with you to:

Find your dream career

Navigate career curveballs and challenges

Reach that next career level, and then some!

On average, we spend 90,000 hours in our career. That’s way too many hours to spend hating your job or at best, tolerating it. You deserve to love your career and work in a role that gives you happiness, fulfilment, and pride.


Camilla is a natural – her coaching style is a perfect mix of empathy, challenge, curiosity and warmth which is just what I needed.

Camilla has shown me that I hold the answers I need within myself, and also how important a clear goal and open mindset is. I was able to explore goals around career, work-life balance, self-care and public speaking; and through Camilla’s coaching I was able to find a way forward and make real progress on all of these. I want to thank her for helping me become the person I am now.


I have been delighted with my coaching journey that I have been on with Camilla, and I have learnt so much about myself along the way. One of Camilla’s biggest strengths is her ability to encourage you to dig deep in yourself, stretching you to step outside of your comfort zone to progress. Camilla has an innate ability to see people and their potential, her belief in me supported my own growth.

I can see my own growth over the last 6+ months based on our sessions, I am more confident in my own abilities, look to my strengths far more than I ever did before and I now forward plan my actions which has significantly increased my progress. I have learnt that I am capable, and I can put my mind to achieving whatever I would like to – the confidence that I have gained during our time together I am truly grateful for.


I worked with Camilla as I was considering my current position in my career and my options for the future. Camilla has allowed me to see and celebrate the progress I have already made on my journey, motivated me when things have seemed too difficult and helped me to identify the next steps I need to take to achieve what I want. She sparked drive and ambition in me and held me accountable for the actions I had committed to taking. Without her support, I would not have found the motivation to keep going at pace to get to where I want to be.