I help ambitious women in design, planning, and engineering roles to love their career by cultivating self belief, calm and kindness in their working day. I’m a passionate believer that you can become that go-to expert in your role and treat yourself with kindness and compassion. It’s not a one or the other scenario. 


I’m here to help you feel like the sky is the limit in your career, and make this happen without living at your desk or battling crippling imposter syndrome that makes you question whether you’re good enough for your role.


I offer 3 signature packages for 1:1 clients and a range of services to support your business or network.

Do any of the following thoughts resonate with you?

Find your Dream Career

  • You feel trapped and at a crossroads in your career. You just know a career that is better suited to you is out there, but you’re not sure what that is, or how to find it
  • You regularly think about your dream career but fear failure, or find change overwhelming
  • You don’t know how to make a career change happen and are fearful of drifting to the next role without knowing that it’s truly right for you
  • You don’t have time to complete a course, or studies alongside your existing job
  • You’ve got big ideas for your career, and want to make them happen


Navigate Career Curveballs and Challenges

  • You’re consistently struggling with imposter syndrome and feel like you lack confidence at work
  • You feel the pressure to progress in your current role, even though it’s making you unhappy
  • You regularly feel stressed at work and see that you’re on a slippery slope to burnout
  • You feel that your current role no longer fulfils you, or aligns with your values
  • You want to manage your time so you can work smarter, not harder



Reach that next Career Level, and then some!

  • You want to nail your next (well-earned) promotion and pay rise
  • You want to work on a longer-term plan for career progression
  • You want to polish public speaking and presentation skills
  • You want to network with confidence so that you can grow your source of business
  • You want to work on core competencies associated with your job role, including management

If so, I’d love to help you! All of my coaching packages are carefully crafted to help you regain the love for your career and based on my Signature 5 Step Framework which is set out below. All you need to do is book your free 30 min Chemistry Call to get started! We can say hello, ensure that coaching is the right form of support for you and discuss any questions that you have.

How can I help you?

I’ve channelled my corporate and coaching years of experience, learning, and challenges into developing my Signature 5 Step Framework that is going to help you love your career. This shapes all of my work, and even more importantly, your journey.



Finding a career that you love

You don’t deserve to dread your morning alarm and put so much hard work into a career that you at best, tolerate. Let’s build a picture of how you really feel about your current role, and what long term happiness in your career looks like.




Believing in the Value that you bring to your Role

I’m here to help you say goodbye to those horrible stomach sinking thoughts where you don’t feel like you’re good enough for your role, your next promotion or to even make your voice heard. You are good enough – it’s time for you to finally believe it! Believing the value that you bring to your work and that you ARE good enough




Curating your version of Work-Life Balance

Spending your days living at the office feeling overwhelmed and overworked is a guaranteed one way ticket to burnout. Let’s work together to design a working week that reflects your ideal work-life balance, and ensure that you can put this plan into action.




Become a Go-to Expert in your Role

Feeling stuck and frustrated in your job because you keep getting told to demonstrate key competencies associated with your role? We’ll get clear on priority skills to polish so that your ability to ace your job gets you noticed by your manager, team and clients.




Setting Yourself up for Success

Spoiler alert: you don’t have to struggle to cope with a busy, stressful and demanding job alone. I’ll help you understand the support you need to put in place so that you can become a go-to expert in your role, whilst treating yourself with the kindness and compassion that you deserve.

Are you a Business or a Community Network? Here’s how you can work with me!

I love working with businesses and community networks that are on a mission to empower and support women in their career. I’m all about adding value, nurturing expertise, and creating a fun, positive and safe environment for personal development. I provide the following services:

  • 3 x complimentary CPD presentations
  • Coaching and/or mentoring training
  • Bespoke presentations and workshops
  • Panel and podcast appearances
  • 1:1 coaching and mentoring sessions

My most recent collaborations include The New World Trading Company, FemFluence, and Burton Road, with lots more in the works for 2024!

Want to know more? Feel free to drop me a message using the enquiry form here or pop me an email at hellocdbcoaching@gmail.com

Let's say hello!

Have some more questions about coaching, my services or how we can work together? Feel free to get in touch! Just fill out this enquiry form and I’ll come back to you. 

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