I’m always happy to answer your questions during your Chemistry Call or via email however, here are a few to get you started!

What is Career Coaching?

Simply put, career coaching will help you your version of career success, whatever that may look like to you! It is a goal focused process however, the journey that you go on to achieve your goals is truly invaluable. This is because of the learning that you gain from your coaching sessions; for example, celebrating your amazing strengths and skills, building a positive and resilient mindset and truly believing in your ability to grow and succeed.

As a coach, I will listen to you, ask questions and support you to overcome your challenges . Along the way, I’m going to help you make some big leaps outside of your comfort zone and see situations from a new perspective.

It’s important to note that career coaching isn’t about me giving you advice, suggestions or making judgements. It is also different to other forms of support such as mentoring, or counselling.


How do I know if Coaching is right for me?

You’ll get the most out of your coaching journey if you are willing to:

  • Entertain new ideas and fresh perspectives
  • Commit to making change
  • Be accountable and take ownership of your actions
  • Embrace a positive mindset 

 Sound good? Then coaching will be a great match for you! We can always discuss this further during your free Chemistry Call too. 


I saw that you also offer mentoring services. How is that different from coaching and which one should I pick?

Mentoring is a fun and highly collaborative form of support. During a mentoring session I’m happy to share my experience and give advice where helpful and appropriate. You can also choose whether you want to work on actions in between sessions, or you may prefer to identify important learning points to reflect on in-between sessions instead. 

This is different to coaching, which is solely focussed on goal setting and taking action between sessions. Because coaching is all about finding answers within you, uncovering new insight and seeing situations from a new perspective, I won’t make suggestions or give advice so that you get the most out of your coaching journey.

It’s likely that you’ll naturally be drawn to one or the other. If you’re unsure, or have any questions, we’ll always discuss what’s right for you during your free Chemistry Call.


How do sessions work?

Sessions will be held over zoom and will usually last for 1 hour unless specified otherwise. There is the possibility for in person sessions if you are based within a 3-mile southerly radius from Manchester City Centre however, additional costs may be incurred for travel.


What is a Chemistry Call? 

I love to offer a free 30 minute Chemistry Call so that we can say hello, get to know each other and explore how coaching or mentoring could support you, and your career. I’m always happy to answer all of your questions too!

Want to know more? Just head to my contact page and click the big blue button! 

Is information that I disclose kept confidential?

Yes, information that you disclose during any session with me (including a Chemistry Call) is completely confidential. I comply with The Coaching Academy’s Code of Ethics which states that only in extreme circumstances will this confidence be breached. This includes the intent to cause harm to yourself or others, or commit criminal acts.

Do you only work with women in the built environment sector?

Not at all! I specialise in working with women from the built environment sector due to my corporate background however, I’ve worked with amazing clients from creative, hospitality, and marketing industries, to name a few. 

What inspires you to solely work with women?

It is widely documented that women are disadvantaged in their journey to management and senior roles, in comparison to men. Imagine climbing a ladder, but always coming to find the first rung or two being broken; it’s so much harder, if not impossible to climb. That represents the challenges that women face in terms of their career progression; I’m here to support you to make it past those broken rungs and reach the top of your ladder!

The resultant impact of the challenges that women face in the workplace is that stats point to nearly 80% of women saying they regularly lack confidence when it comes to their career. My passion and purpose is to do everything I can to help this research and stats change, especially after spending my working life in a male dominated industry and experiencing the learning and challenges that this brings first hand. 

What is it like to work with you?

I love to be friendly, personable, and make things fun wherever possible. My belief is that the best results come from inspiring positivity, celebrating success, and empowering others. However, I will also encourage you to leave your comfort zone, stretch you to find new ideas and ways of thinking, and inspire you to take ownership of your decisions.