Let’s get clear on how we can work together! I’m excited to present my list of packages, all designed to help you love your career. They are tailored to suit different budgets, timescales, and the support that you need.


Not sure which package suits you best? No problem! All you need to do is book your free 30 minute Chemistry Call and we can find your perfect match.

The Deep Dive


Are you feeling like your route to progression in your current role is full of frustrating never-ending circles and dead ends? This package is perfect for you if you want to nail a key skill or overcome a challenge so that a ‘yes’ to your next promotion and pay-rise is a no-brainer for your manager. 

You could also use the time to map out an exciting strategy for your career so you can confidently put forward a case for leading projects and make your voice heard in a room full of senior peers.

Feel like this is for you? 

Your 3 Step Deep Dive package will give you a total of 2 focused hours working 1:1 on a specific skill, challenge, strategy, or exciting idea that is going re-ignite your love for your career. Here’s how it works!

1.  My Signature Deep Dive Exercises

I’ll send you a choice of carefully designed exercises to complete before your first session so you can hit the ground running when we meet!

  1. Your 90min Deep Dive Session

Your Deep Dive Session will be split into two parts: Part 1 will focus on you!  You’ll learn lots of about yourself, the way you work, your challenges, and seeing situations from a fresh perspective.

All of this rich insight will help you create your practical action plan in Part 2 so you can take a big first step forward to loving your career. You’ll also leave with an understanding of key areas to work on in the long term. 

  1. A 30 min Momentum Call

We’ll meet 2 weeks after your first session for your Momentum Call, where you’ll be able to celebrate taking action, reflect on your key learning and explore your next steps!

If you’ve been wondering whether coaching is for you, this is the perfect intro package.

Investment: £149

Ready to feel the love for your career? 


POV: you’ve put in the hard work, you’ve got a promotion or two under your belt and you’re now feeling like Mon-Fri whizzes by in an overwhelming and stressful blur. There’s loads of work, there’s no time and despite the fact that you’re highly valued by your peers, your imposter syndrome is living rent free in your head…

If you’re getting all the feels reading this, LOVE was designed for you…

This 8 week intensive package is for super talented ladies who are fast becoming the go-to expert in their role but want to cultivate some much needed calm, kindness and self belief in their working week. 

Here’s how it works! Your package is based my 4 x 4 strategy: that’s 4 hours of 1:1 sessions that followed a tried and tested structure to help you love your career and turn up to work feeling like the best version of you. 

  1. Loving yourself

Understanding, acknowledging and appreciating your amazing strengths and skills so that you can truly back yourself and know that you deserve the success that you work so hard for.

2. Overcoming challenges that are holding you back

This could be learning how to finally free yourself from imposter-syndrome and those self-doubting thoughts that make your confidence wobble. 

3. Visioning 

What does the future version of you look like when it comes to your career? It’s time to map this out and be clear on what you need to do to set yourself up for success. That includes reclaiming that sense of calm when it comes to your work-life balance!

4. Becoming a go-to Expert in your Role 

Know that there are key skills and challenges holding you back from proudly becoming a go-to expert in your role and having more time in your working day? Let’s work on this together!

Investment: £495
Monthly Payment Plan available

Feeling ready to re-ignite your career spark?


The ultimate VIP package for the ladies who are undoubtedly smashing their career. This is all about helping you get through the *I got the role – WTAF I am doing* stage so that you  can..

  •  Truly acknowledge and celebrate your amazing success that you’ve worked so hard for.
  • Continue to build on your success from a place of kindness. I’m talking about prioritising your health and happiness rather than booking your one way ticket to burnout by working all hours and feeling like you need to say yes to everything. 

  • Eliminate that stomach sinking dread which is standing up and making your voice heard in a room full of people that have 5, or even 10 years worth of experience on you.
  • Really understand areas of your career that bring you love and happiness, and know how to prioritise them in the future. This one is definitely for you if you’ve got that niggling feeling that your career just isn’t giving you that purpose and pride that it used to.

Your unforgettable journey will be guided by my 7 step GROWTH Framework; 

  1. Deep Diving into YOUR world
  2. Finding the love for your career, whether that’s your current role or a dream career change
  3. Believing the value that you bring to your work and that you ARE good enough
  4. Curating your dream work-life balance
  5. Becoming a go-to expert in your role
  6. Everything you need to set yourself up for success
  7. Leaving with a game-changing strategy for the next 120 days. I’ll also be providing you with DM support for a month after your package finishes too!

In total, you’ll have 7 hours of 1:1 sessions and 2 hours of bonuses; think a voxer hour, tutorials, or an ask me anything session! This is going to ensure that you can aim high in your career and treat yourself with the kindness and compassion that you deserve.

Investment: £1,250
Monthly Payment Plan available

Want to find out whether this package is the perfect match for you?

Bonuses + Add Ons

Voxer Hour – £49

Ask me anything mentoring session* – £49

Goal setting tutorial – £59

Work-life balance tutorial – £59

Confidence tutorial – £59

Urban design CV & portfolio review – £39

Have any questions? Let’s discuss during your free Chemistry Call

*Block of 3 sessions available to purchase for £120